DESTINATIONS is a retirement planning tool only. Although every effort has been made to provide pension estimates that are accurate, these estimates are not a statement of fact or promise of a future pension. All estimates are based on the current provisions of the Local 793 Pension Plan and your personal information on file with the administrator, the Operating Engineers Benefits Administration Corporation (OEBAC), and Local 793. In some cases, errors or limitations in your personal data may produce inaccurate results. Estimates do not take into account any future changes to the plan. If you had a break in service, part of your pension benefit may be based on an earlier formula, and you may not qualify for your full benefits. If you received payment for any portion of your past service, that service is not reflected in these estimates. All amounts are rounded to the nearest dollar.
DESTINATIONS provides information about your pension benefits under the Local 793 Pension Plan.
The Trustees and administrator are not responsible for decisions you make using this pension calculator or any liabilities that may arise from those decisions. It is recommended that you talk to a qualified professional financial advisor when making decisions regarding your pension benefits.
If you are considering retirement and would like an official pension estimate, please contact the Pension Department at OEBAC.
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